Monday, December 28, 2009

The Dangers of Water Contamination

In a previous blog I explained many of the benefits Smart for Life® Cookie Diet provides that other diets do not. One of those benefits is that we use triple filtered water because most municipal water systems have contaminates in them and sometimes more.

It seems water contamination is in the news every day. A recent research study shows that an estimated one in 10 Americans have been exposed to drinking water that contains dangerous chemicals.

Because most water pollutants have no scent or taste, many people do not realize they are consuming these chemicals, even after they become sick.

This is why we only use triple filtered water. We continue to emphasize that the Smart for Life® Cookie Diet Program is based on sound scientific facts and water contamination is one area that has been studied consistently.

The research study also reported that “because it is difficult to determine what causes diseases like cancer, it is impossible to know how many illnesses are the result of water pollution, or contaminants’ role in the health problems of specific individuals”.

That is why Smart for Life® Cookie Diet provides clients with support and expert guidance because we know that working together with a doctor will help you achieve weight loss results faster and with more success. If you have any health conditions or medications that require close attention, our Smart for Life staff and Medical Director (Dr. Sass) are available to you.

You can also check your home’s water as well. To start, check your water utility’s “Consumer Confidence Report,” which it must mail to you each year before July 1 by law. The report details where your drinking water comes from, what contaminants have been found in it and how contaminant levels compare to national standards. You can also call your utility and ask for a copy, or visit to see if it’s online

The Smart for Life® Cookie Diet team will continue to go above and beyond the usual requirements to provide a safe and effective program that ensures your short and long term success. Triple filtered water is just one more beneficial step we add to your weight loss journey.

Dr. Sass
Sasson Moulavi, M.D., LMCC, ABBM
Medical Director
Smart For Life Cookie Diet
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